In Mama Mia (over)sharing dating stories
The mistakes I made after my divorce i was asked by Mama Mia to write a story about the mistakes I made after my divorce and the one that leapt out was trying to fill the void with someone new, and dating men for the sake of it. I was so used to being part of a couple...
Doing my bit to talk about breast cancer
I didn't think I would talk about my breast cancer diagnosis as I didn't want it to be my identity. But I put myself out there in the NZ Listener, talking and writing about my diagnosis and also to raise awareness about breast density, which I didn't know was a risk...
Relationship break-ups are hard: some tips from me in the NZ Herald
Thanks to Tyson Beckett for asking me some thought-provoking questions about how to get through a break-up. Her interview covers topics like how to cope in the early days, what if you don't have kids, how to move on, and how to ask for help if you're an independent...